100 Cummings CTR, #425C

Beverly, MA 01915


Green Cleaning


Environmentally Responsible Cleaning Products

We Believe a Clean Earth Is as Important as a Clean Home

At North Shore Cleaning Systems, Inc., we believe in doing our part to protect the environment. That is why we, as a company, are so committed to using products that are safe for the Earth. Specifically, each of our locations use cleaning products that are environmentally responsible or sustainable.

EPA Safer Choice

When you see a product with the EPA Safer Choice label, it means that every ingredient in the product has been reviewed by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientists. Only products that meet their Safer Choice Standard, which includes stringent human health and environmental criteria, are allowed to carry the label. Products with the Safer Choice label help consumers identify and select products with safer chemical ingredients, without sacrificing quality or performance. 

Green Cleaning Materials Policy

North Shore Cleaning Systems, Inc. can purchase general janitorial products such as disposable paper products and trash bag liners that contain recycled material. At least 75% of the total annual purchases of these products (by cost) must meet at least one of the following criteria:

1. The cleaning products meet one or more of the following standards for the appropriate category:

a. Green Seal GS-37, for general-purpose, bathroom, glass and carpet cleaners used for industrial and institutional purposes;
b. Environmental Choice CCD-110, for cleaning and degreasing compounds;
c. Environmental Choice CCD-146, for hard-surface cleaners;
d. Environmental Choice CCD-148, for carpet and upholstery care;
e. Green Seal GS-40, for industrial and institutional floor care products;
f. Environmental Choice CCD-147, for hard-floor care;
g. EPA Design for the Environment Program’s Standard for Safer Cleaning Products;
h. EcoForm’s Information-Based Environmental Label; and/or
i. Cleaning devices that use only ionized water or electrolyzed water and have third­party-verified performance data equivalent to the other standards mentioned above (if the device is marketed for antimicrobial cleaning, performance data must demonstrate antimicrobial performance comparable to EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics and Design for the Environment requirements, as appropriate for use patterns and marketing claims).

2. Disinfectants, metal polish, floor finishes, strippers or other products not addressed by the above standards meet one or more of the following standards for the appropriate category:

a. Environmental Choice CCD-112, for digestion additives for cleaning and odor control;
b. Environmental Choice CCD-113, for drain or grease trap additives;
c. Environmental Choice CCD-115, for odor control additives;
d. Green Seal GS-52/53, for specialty cleaning products;
e. California Code of Regulations maximum allowable VOC levels for the specific product
f. EPA Design for the Environment Program’s standard for safer cleaning products;
g. EcoForm’s Information-Based Environmental Label;

3. Disposable janitorial paper products and trash bags meet the minimum requirements of one or more of the following programs for the applicable product category:

a. EPA comprehensive procurement guidelines, for janitorial paper;
b. Green Seal GS-01, for tissue paper, paper towels and napkins;
c. Environmental Choice CCD-082, for toilet tissue;
d. Environmental Choice CCD-086, for hand towels;
e. Janitorial paper products derived from rapidly renewable resources or made from tree-free fibers;
f. FSC certification, for fiber procurement;
g. EPA comprehensive procurement guidelines, for plastic trash can liners;

4. Hand soaps meet one or more of the following standards:

a. No antimicrobial agents (other than as a preservative) except where required by health codes and other regulations (e.g., food service and health care requirements);
b. Green Seal GS-41, for industrial and institutional hand cleaners;
c. Environmental Choice CCD-104, for hand cleaners and hand soaps;
d. Environmental Choice CCD-170, for hand sanitizers;
e. EPA Design for the Environment Program’s standard for safer cleaning products;
f. EcoForm, Information-Based Environmental Label, for hand soaps and hand sanitizers.

To the extent practical, no cleaning or disinfecting products should contain ingredients that are carcinogens, mutagens, or teratogens. These include chemicals listed by the U.S. EPA or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health on the Toxics Release Inventory (40 CFR, Section 372, Subpart D). If such products containing these toxic chemicals must be used
(cleaning solutions for specific equipment, etc), only the minimum amounts should be used and the product must be disposed of properly. On the Toxic Release Inventory, a complete list of toxic chemicals is maintained by the U.S. EPA and can be found at www.epa.gov/tri/chemical.
The cleaning products used by North Shore Cleaning Systems, Inc. must meet the Green Seal standard of GS-37. The Green Seal Organization offers extensive information regarding the GS-37 standard on their website www.greenseal.org/certification/environmental.cfm. A complete listing of Green Seal certified products is maintained by the Green Seal organization and can be found at www.greenseal.org/findaproduct/index.cfm.

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